Monday, December 11, 2006

A Little Alliteration

Trying to Tame “T”

Take all that is given
Trepidation actively euthanized
Turn into a fiend.
Tangle and tango on
Treacherous uneven ground.
Trouble twinkles like glitter.
Taking steps toward turbulence, with
Transformation of environment, a
Titanic alteration!
Tambour of the new drum beat, on
Tenuous surface, dangerous
To tap without tearing.
Teetotaler resigned and reassigned
To new troop of teachers.
Tourniquet for each other.
Together entombed with
Toddy of torment and
Tales of woe
Terrific mistakes take toll.
Tangibles and talent dissipate, with camaraderie
Tall talk and tattoos document the time, and
Tranquilize the truth.
Tragic family tradition.


Jeff said...

Thats a very big alliteration! I like it. keep writing more!

The Hatchling Press said...

Thanks, I'll put up another tonight.